Wednesday 13 May 2015

Turning 'Hmmmm' to 'WOO!' - A Simple Fix & GIVEAWAY!

Hey there, you little sparkler you!

The sun's at it again - blue skies, warm air, insects EVERYWHERE! Summer's definitely well-and-truly here. The Colonel's just come in having flash-fried his bad-ass self in the garden again. He's quite happy. And hot. Toasty kitty!

AAAAAAAAAAAAnyhoo....remember yesterday's stress page? Twitchy birdy with all his stritchy-scratcyness? Well, you've all been completely gorgeous and wonderful, but you know when you have a page in your book that's just........ Hmmm... One of those pages that you're really never going to be sure about? Well, this was such a page. I don't HATE it or's just.....blah, sitting in a book that I'm otherwise mostly happy with. Soooooo I decided to be proactive and DO a thing with it - and, VOILA!

It's now a book! Well, why not I say! It wasn't going to stay in the sketchbook and it would have been shoved in a box somewere 'til I chopped it up for some project or other, so might as well make it into something useful - and you know, I really, REALLY like it now!  Just shows you that nothing's a failure...with some determination and a little creativity anything can become a jolly part of a happy collection! I took plenty of pics so here we go:

It's a simple two-signature pamphlet stitch book, using pretty pink waxed linen thread with beaded dangles that hang below the spine so that when the book's open it will lie nice and flat.  I chose a mix of glass beads and Tibetan silver charms that would complement the splooshy colours. The colours do so very much make me happy!

I used a piece of ribbon from my mum's sewing box, threaded through the spine to tie-fasten. I added two yummy lampwork beads to weight the ribbon which can be tied in a pretty bow on the spine when the book's open and being used.

 I used some designer paper to create a lining to the cover and a spine-strengthener then collaged some vintage images - just because it looks pretty! The paper's a fabulous heavy weight cartridge paper (300gsm) which will take pretty much anything thrown at it, so ideal for mixed media work. There are 12 pages - it's a nice size for a small keepsake project

The book measures roughly 10.5" x 5" (closed so has a good 10" square as an open spread - very workable!

I really like this book now. It feels nice to hold and it'll be good to work in. What do you think? Success? Anyone want to give it a home? YES I'm making this my FIRST GIVEAWAY!!! FANFARE!!!! DA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAAAAA-DAAAAAAAAH!!!  Anyone who'd like to have this book to play with just leave a comment below - all you have to do is begin ONE of your sentences with "I'd like to give this book a home because......." then...tell me! I'll run this 'til the end of the month and draw a winner (randomly to make things fair) on 31st May,ok? So - as this is my first giveaway post I'll run through the simple rules one more time (for my benefit as much as yours !)


If you'd like to enter the draw,
  • Leave a comment below THIS post
  • Write ONE of the sentences in your comment  beginning with "I'd like to give this book a home because......"
  • Make sure you leave a link to your blog so that I can contact you if win
  • Check back with me on 31st May to find out the winner
That's it. Easy enough? The winner will have to have contact details ready so that I can post this to them. This is open to any blog visitor in any country. One entry per person please - I'll only include one entry per person in the draw.

Ok - I hope that meets with happy approval! I've been DYING to do a giveaway for AAAAGES but had no confidence or courage so fingers crossed I've chosen the right thing to do! That's it - I'm off to wait with nervous excitement to see what you think! Love and hugs to all of you from me! xxxxx


  1. Wow, you do amaze me! I love the way you took something and added to it and the end result is super-cool. I may have to remember this for me to try. ;)

    So... I'd LOVE to give this book a home because it makes me happy just looking at it and I make my best work when I am happy. And the inspiration of another artist is shared creative energy of the universe. Gotta love that energy!


  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
    I'd LOVE to give this book a home because it's the pretty wee colourful birdie that I admired, he's lovely and he sits and chirps in his own little hap hazzard garden. Perfect, also because even if it wasn't the little birdie that I admired I'd still like to see what your books are like. I know I've seen lots of your journals an stuff on your blog, but for me to really 'see' something I need to have it in my hands, sometimes seeing and feeling merge :-)
    I think its great that you are doing a give away I can't believre you say you have any sort of 'confidence' issues, with work like your you should be overflowing with confidence. I've just never got it together to do a giveaway but I'll take the inspiration from you and think about what I can 'give'....... :-)

  3. Your art turned out super awesome!! It's just perfect now--I Love it Love it!!
    You already spoiled me big time-smiles-so don't enter me in this very cool giveaway. I love doing giveaways I usually do a couple a year-they are fun to do.

  4. Your book is wonderful, what a lovely idea! I would like to give this book a home because it's amazing, and it would enjoy living with me! Glad you were able to turn your frustration into something positive. Have a nice day, hugs, Valerie

  5. Oh Shroo, I would love to give this book a home because I loved that bird as soon as I saw him yesterday and was really sad at the thought of him being discarded! The colours are so vibrant they sing for spring!

  6. How beautiful! I'd like to give this book a home because I'm inspired by the way you took something you weren't quite happy with and managed to transform it into something amazing. I'm all about the alchemy ;)

  7. What a good way to transform something you weren't totally happy with. It looks great as a book cover. I'd like to give this book a home because Ive loved your work for ages it's inspired me to start art journaling and with 20 pages it wont be too daunting to start with this book.

  8. This is easy...I'd like to give this AWESOME book a home because, as a new homemade papermaker, I would be inspired by what you have done everyday!
    Kathy is a sweetie, and I'd like to say don't enter me as well, but I WANT IT! Teehee

  9. Perfect, perfect, perfect. What a fabulous book you've created, and how fun you're doing your first giveaway. I'd LOVE to give this book a home because it makes my heart happy - it feels exuberant and vibrant and makes me want to fill it with equally joyful thoughts and art. And I most certainly would love to have a piece of your art.

  10. I'd like to give this book a home because... Because, because, because of the wonderful things you does. and I'm a greedy, drooling obsessed fan who wants every single thing you do :-) BUT *sigh* I already own a stupendously gorgeous journal sketchbook of yours so should say I'll sit this one out. Good luck everyone :-D

    Giveaways are so much fun. Enjoy it! You talented awesome thing you. Am typing on tablet and its driving me nuts so will come back in the morning and catch up properly on the PC :-)

  11. I'd like to give this book a home because it's fabulous! When you posted the page in your art journal and said you didn't like it much I began drooling. I only just stopped drooling yesterday and then I saw the GIVEAWAY! I can't have live birds around my house because my cats will eat them but this beauty of a birdy book would be safe and cozy here at my home.

  12. What a fantastic chance to win!
    I'd like to give this book a home because it's from you and it's fantastic!
    oxo Susi

  13. Gosh I love that bird, as I do all your art. I can't draw a lick and I drool over the kind of art you have in your heart. I'd love to give this book a home because one of your posts inspired me to begin a journal. This little book is a perfect place to list meaningful quotes I so often jot on a piece of paper and then misplace. I think your bird is a of my totem animals.
    xx, Carol

  14. Wow!
    I'd like to give this book home because I love it and it's totally unique!

  15. I'd like to give this book a home because it's absolutely AMAZING!!!

    Keeping everything crossed for the draw.


  16. Absolutely gorgeous! I'd like to give this book a home, because your art is just magic to me, the colors, the lines, the themes make my heart sing and my hands rush to beads, maybe it would help me use the paints and inks I've had for so long and which intimidate me so much!

  17. I missed this! Doh! Slaps forehead....tis a lovely book, lucky recipient!
