Monday 11 November 2013

In Remembrance

Hello you scrumptious lovely!

This post MAY be [technically] a tad late for Monday, but as I'm still awake I'm ignoring the standard concept of linear time and I hereby name today - STILL Monday! Yup. Deal.

First of all, let me share with you this latest piece of digital genius from my mum:

Now she's discovered the world of computer art programmes there's no stopping her! We should all prepare for imminent armageddon as she'll no doubt be hacking into MI6 and the Pentagon by the end of the week, fuzzing up their systems with cheery insanity!

I love you mum - you nutter!

So this Monday 11th November has been Armistice Day, always profoundly emotional, and a day not only to remember those who have fought and given their lives for our freedom, but also ALL those people who are no longer here with us, but loved deeply just the same.  I wanted to record the day with poppies - as is the tradition - a flower of the greatest, delicate beauty that grows in even the meanest soil.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them".



  1. Beautiful tribute and artwork! Your flower art is so lovely!

  2. This is a lovely tribute to all of our servicemen and women.

  3. Gorgeous Rachael and such a poignant Verse too.
    Michelle x

  4. Thank you - all of you - for your kind comments. Coming from such talented people, it means such a lot. Great big, VERY sincerely meant hugs all round - Shroo :)xxxx

  5. Beautiful work, and I hope your Mum has not yet been arrested by the NSA!! HUgs, Valerie

    1. HA! I think they're spying on her as I type! Next thing she'll be building a secret lair inside a volcano and ruling the world! xxx
