Tuesday 10 March 2015

Into The Light - Arty Stepping-Stones

Hello !

*waves from behind the sofa*

I'm feeling fragile. I've had a selection of random head glitches sparked by some rubbishy life events and have disappeared into a hole again, but this is me poking my twitchy head out into the light and just reaffirming that I'm NOT gonna get smacked in the face with a shovel! 

Are we all ok? I hope you've had an EPIC couple of weeks because you know you deserve the best of all shiny splendidness, like magic calorie-burning cupcakes, and great hair days, and a visit from tap-dancing, glittered cats, or Hugh Jackman .......(gimme a minute................ok -) yeah - all kinds of awesome! Spring seems to be edging its way through the biting frost-coated winter drapes that have blanketed the world for what seems like an eternity....little delicate flowers appearing, strong and fragile at the same time. That's kinda how I feel - who knew I'd be a snowdrop?!
Yet again, planning ahead hasn't quite gone as smoothly as...well...planned, but I'm going to try and let myself off the hook - I figure that the world won't stop spinning if I don't follow my post schedule....nothing's likely to combust or explode...there appears to be no zombie apocalypse (awwwww......dammit) so I'm just going to pick up and ...I feel that there should be some sport-esque bijou analogy-ette here, but I'm allergic to sport in all its evil forms so .....bazinga! Without further ado....

I've had a LOT of journal time....a LOT..... It's the kind of journaling that I reserve for the 'special' books - the ones on the (cue spooky music) daaarrrk shelves..... Here's my journaling tip for anyone who experiences grotty dark patches and breaks in reality..... keep a selection of journals JUST for these times. Experience has taught me that if I inflict negativity on my regular daily journals/art journals that they become somewhat oppressive to me and in turn that affects my mood when I return once the darkness has passed. I have everyday books for everyday thoughts and emotions, sad books for sad days and angry books for angry rants and crazy painting. And I find that it's ok. I ALLOW myself to be angry or sad; I don't deny it. It needs to escape and get itself the hell away from me so that I can be happy again. Keeping these journals separate and specific helps me to clarify my feelings and find that release. They're no longer a bad reminder or oppressive judge, rather they're a support network of familiar and safe book friends that listen and forgive. I don't feel compelled to destroy them, rather I feel more secure knowing that they're there when I need them. I keep them apart from the rest - they don't mind, they're understanding that way and I can ignore them until I need them again.

I can't share - or rather I choose not to share these [dark] journal entries and art this time around. Everything's still a bit raw and also it's a bit grim and let's face it, none of us need more grim.......instead, just keep thinking 'Hugh Jackman, Hugh Jackman'...... (gimme another minute....... *sigh*)

This time around I found that I needed quick arty fixes to help me stepping-stone my brain back into the light.  These I CAN share with you 'cos they're WAY less freaky...

I grabbed a couple of old sketchbooks and just played....drew things that made me happy - my go-to subjects: mermaids, kitties, fairies, flowers, seaside-related stuff... I found it hard to begin with, but I followed my own 'muse taming' techniques and coaxed that pesky musey minx into some happy arty activity, reluctant though she was at first. I find that these techniques help me loosen up, reduce that pressure to perform.
Silly scribbles and cartoons, doodles and zentangles - do these things as often as you can...when you're talking on the phone, watching tv, waiting for dinner to cook, waiting for the bus or the train - whenever the opportunity presents itself. These little arty moments provide an excellent exercise for that lazy-ass muse and they poke our brains with a stick so that we LEARN AND DEVELOP skills and techniques, teach our hands to move just right.
 Catching up a little further - the sad loss of Leonard Nimoy (I'm a massive fan) prompted some journal doodles, which echoes what I said about using special days and moments as an incentive and guide for a journal entry - they're markers in time and something that I'm always glad of recording when I look back at past journals and sketchbooks:

I honestly don't care whether these are accurate or perfect... these are my personal journal pages - they don't HAVE to be perfect. LESS pressure - there's so much stress in life, our journals and our art are supposed to be a positive light in our lives. We don't HAVE to be the same as someone else....we don't HAVE to be 'on trend'... we don't HAVE to follow the competitive fashions and fads.....we can just be happy and creative.

 Art is truly in the eye of the beholder so when you look at your work, know that it is a reflection of something unique and beautiful within you. And the more you doodle and scribble and play, the stronger you will become with techniques and skills and tricks of the trade. A line on a page doesn't exist 'til you draw it. What you draw and paint is born because you WANT to make a mark on the world - and what could be more beautiful? Love what you create. Nurture it. Be a proud parent to your art and in return it will reflect the coloured facets of your soul like a mirror ball - (and don't we all need a little disco beat to groove to?)

I'm feeling better for having completed this post. Thank you for putting up with my rambling AGAIN!  I'm so late with my planned posts now that catching up is the blogging equivalent of jogging through treacle, so I'm going to re-think and re-jig the stacked up backlog and move on with less of that pressure. I annoy the crap outta myself when I realise that I'm adding my own stress....it's just stoopid! I'll see you soon and in the meantime - be friends with your art, and hug your books and journals and arty supplies and be kind to yourself. 

Big smooshy cuddles from Shroo :) xxx


  1. Love all your creative work, it is special and beautiful, as always, Sorry you have been having a hard time, and wish you lots of sunny and good days. Hugs, Valerie

    1. Thank you! I find that there are always sunny days - they just get hidden sometimes, which is a real pain! I appreciate your happy words - sending a big hug from Shroo:)xxxx

  2. Golly, if you've been chasing ( or chased by) demons, then they've been teasing you because these pages are all stunning. And who can resist cats dancing on daisies?

    1. heh heh.....I'm not showing the evil-brain-funk pages! They're freaky! They'd need a government warning! Thank you for being gorgeous and leaving a lovely comment - and for your recent abstract paintings on your blog which are so incredibly happy-making. Sending a hug from Shroo:)xxx

  3. This 2015 is trying to take it's tole on a lot of us. It tries to be stronger than my meds, but my head is still peeking out and I am pushing the dark to the abyss. Your happy journal pages show that you too are rising above the murk
    xx, Carol.

    1. 2015 does indeed suck. Big. I think I had a good year in.......errrrr......like, 1984? Yeah.... I'm determined to be strong enough to find a way through the icky stuff because there's always SOMEthing lovely hiding just round the corner. Easy to miss and so precious.

      I think you're incredibly brave and I reckon if we all join together and give out an epic battle yell it'll scare the darkness crawling back and the sun will break through. Sending hugs and sparkles - Shroo:)xxx

  4. Wishing you fewer and fewer dark days my friend! My goodness - one would not know you are experiencing them from these pieces of art. May I say, your Leonard Nimoy "tribute" pages are sensational ...

    1. Thank you squillions, lovely lady!! I know I have a long-term battle with monsters, but I celebrate the days when I kick their collective butts and send them back to the pit of grot they come from! Not giving up! I have a virtual cricket bat and I'll channel my inner 'Shaun of the Dead' and take no prisoners! Mooowhahaha!

      Thank you for your awesome comment of awesomeness - hope you're well and not frozen in a winter wonderland still! Sending warm spring hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  5. I cried when I heard he'd died. I wouldn't class myself as a huge fan but as someone who doesn't really follow celebs, he was one I had a lot of time for. His last tweet was very poignant. Your pages absolutely do him proud.

    Good, nay, brilliant tip about the separate journals. I shall keep that in mind.

    I hope you are OK my friend? Carol up in the comments there is right, 2015 is trying to test us I think. I am just emerging from the worst bout of flu I can ever remember having, seriously at one point thought I was dying and being a hindrance in the process. Lost 8lbs in 7 days and... Prepare yourself... STILL cannot drink tea! Have been on cold water all week. Mind you my brain changed the taste so I've been getting odd looks when I croakily declare it the nectar of the Gods.

    Anyway you. Be easier on yourself, you do know that nobody else knows this blogging schedule you've drawn up but you? For all we know you are ahead of yourself! Your blog is a fun, beautiful place, don't let it be another chore for you.

    Big hugs to you and The Colonel, hope he's looking after you. x x x

    1. You're pestillent! The lurgy!!! That sucks donkey arse that does. And not having TEA??? How are you even ALIVE?!! This is a horror scenario - we can't have this at all. You stay warm and snuggly and get yourself better - the world is richer for your sparkle, ok?

      I was so sad that Len died, although I reckon it was kinda inevitable, all things considered. A hell of a legacy he left behind though. My action figures have their heads bowed to my Spock doll. (I have a life....shush woman!)

      I do stress over schedules - and I know it's dumb, but gawd knows my brain isn't 'one' with its inner Vulcan sometimes! I'm just gonna see how the rest of the week goes and take it from there.

      Also - did I see (I'm late for everything) that SOMEONE had a BIRTHDAY!! Happy birthday (eventually) to you! I'm so glad you had a good day - you deserve a cake big enough to dive into like a crumbly swimming pool of butter-cream and fondant spongey goodness! Sending you oodles of love and hugs - get BETTER! - from Shroo:)xxxxx

  6. I love your rambling-so ramble away please! and I soooo agree with Carmen-no schedules please-just share on Shroo's time-hugs

    I think that this is just awesome that you are able to direct your darkness into your art form-that way it is out and put somewhere-we all need to find a way to do that. My husband battles horrible nightmares most nights and is in a deep depression righ now-worse than usual I am thinking partly do to the lack of sunshine we have had this winter-and we usually get lots of it here.

    Cuddles and hugs for the Colonel and you too

    1. Awww thank you SQUILLIONS, you awesome wonderful woman you!! Don't let me off with Shroo-time though - I'll get NOTHING done! the queen of procrastination, that's me! Shroo time --------In my brain I'm doing an M C Hammer dance now!

      I'm so sorry that your hubby has crap nightmares. A night of them will screw up the following day like nothing else. So hard to shake them....sometimes it takes the best part of a day just to figure out where my reality is - then I get so annoyed because a whole day's gone by. And bouts of insomnia don't help a all either! Brain mess is so incredibly debilitating. I am hoping that your sunny days get longer and more frequent now - like you say, the dark doesn't help at all. You're brave and strong and lovely and you deserve fabulous days - and I'm wishing a bunch of them on their way to you both there in the woods with your Briar Rose spinning wheels and forest animals! You get big hugs and loads of love from me and the Colonel :)xxxxxxxxx

  7. I am sorry to hear that you are not having a good time Sweetie!
    Hope all will get better soon!♥♥♥
    All this artwork is so beautiful!
    I love your style and every single piece makes me happy!


    1. Aww thank you! I always find something that makes me happy - the lovely comments here are enough to bring a smile to my face! Sending you hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  8. It's good to see you posting, hope you're managing to put the dark days behind you (easier said than done, I know).
    LOVE the Leonard Nimoy and Enterprise pages, and just so you know, I now have tap-dancing, glitter covered Hugh Jackman stuck in my head and will be no use to anybody all day!

    1. Euch - dark days.....Hate them! But then there's always something sunny! Speaking of - thank you for commentyness! I am HAPPY to have donated that glittery Hugh Jackman mental image to brighten your day! He'd be like a tap-dancing sexy mirror-ball.

      Hang on.....did I just mention Hugh Jackman and mirror-balls in the same sentence? .......That's bringing on a faint! ....and a grin..... heh heh heh......

      hugs and shinyness from Shroo:)xxxx

  9. Less pressure, I couldn't agree more! I wish you the warmest, sunniest, happiest days to come and keep on rambling, I love your art, your work, your world!

    1. ONE day I'll be happy living in the Scottish Highlands with open hills and nature all around....pressure free! I can dream!! Thank you for being totally and completely gorgeous - massive hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  10. I love to read your posts and see your work whether they're on schedule or not. blogs shouldnt be for pressure so post when/what you like and we'll be here to read when you do. Its great that you can turn your dark days into creative energy and I like your idea of using separate books to journal.

    1. Thank you for that really lovely comment! You made me very happy and completely brightened my day - you absolute star you! Sending you sparkles and hugs from Shroo:)xxx

  11. He Lived Long and Prospered.
    These are lovely little drawings, they are very illustrative, I'm sure you would be excellent at childrens book illustrations. I especially like the lighthouse, at least I think its a lighthouse. I have a bit of a thing for lighthouses, I love them :-) and this is one of the nicest I've ever seen. It reminds me of some of the Arthur rackman illustrations. I hope your dark days have left you for a while, hopefully one day they will leave you forever. :-)

    1. That's an AWESOME complement! Thank you MASSIVELY! And yes, lighthouses are awesome - I love all things sea related....well....apart from ships and submarines *shudder*.... and lighthouses feature highly in my list of awesome sea things! Thank you for your awesomeness -- sending you hugs from Shroo:)xxx
